Rock Ledge Ranch – 100th Anniversary Celebration

Rock Ledge Ranch celebrated their 100th anniversary last Saturday. My wife was charmed by the community’s involvement – particularly the appearance of the Ladies of the Evergreen Cemetery. This is a group of women who dress in period costume to represent some of the people buried in the prestigious Evergreen Cemetery. Their costumes were elaborate Victorian and Edwardian era style and most included parasols. It’s amazing how much better the photos turned out because of the parasols in the blazing sunlight. Just Lovely!

That same afternoon, I caught a glimpse of a Rock Ledge Ranch docent walking towards the grounds church. It made me think of how hundreds of years ago, people wouldn’t even hitch up their horses on the Sabbath because that would be making the horses work. They walked quite a distance to get to their church. This solemn scene was a big contrast to the gaiety throughout the rest of the park. Perhaps through its supplication it felt more sincere.

Later in the evening a terrific storm brewed over Garden of the Gods. The rain hit the road so hard it created a fine four-inch thick heavy mist hovering over it. Lightning lit up the park from behind the monoliths. It was amazing. I became soaked, but fortunately the equipment just got a few drops.

Rock Ledge Ranch – Fourth of July Celebration 2007

For the past five years my family has made it a priority to attend the Rock Ledge Ranch Fourth of July Celebration. This man dresses up like Abraham Lincoln and gives the Gettysburg Address in front of a log cabin settlement.

Although around 8 inches shorter than the original, he isn’t short of character and charm. He has a good reputation for being in character and for having a good sense of humor and wit.

After giving the address beside a few men dressed as union soldiers, he stands around patiently for photo ops with the visitors. This event is one of the highlights for many, which was evident from the sizable crowd.

Flashback – Denver Art Museum : May 11, 2007

Last May I took my family to the Denver Art Museum. It was recently renovated and I thought it should offer some level of interest and cultural awareness to our family. Once we arrived at the area, it became apparent that we’d have to pay for parking. Personally, I hate paying to park my car, but it’s a must here so be prepared to shell out around $8 for it.

With that said – this has got to be the coolest family friendly art museum on the face of the planet!

Coming up on July 14th, 2007 they are having a full free weekend! Saturday or Sunday – you show up and it’s free admission. You could participate in the world’s largest paint by number and get bragging rights when someone opens the next edition of the Guinness book of world records.

Better than that, around nearly every corner is some activity that kids three years and older could participate in with some level of parental supervision. There’s virtual bubble popping, postcard making, art bingo, multimedia centers, an entire kid’s activity area where children can build a chair, chalk it up and sit in it, a creative drawing project where you can post your finished art on a wall and much more.

I know this sounds like an advertisement, but finding an inexpensive to moderately priced family friendly excursion for a family of 6 is no easy task and when the opportunity comes, it’s great to share a good thing with other families.

Here are a few penny-pinching tips for those who are trying to keep a tight budget.

* bring a lunch. Note: You can’t have open food or drink throughout the museum except in their beautiful cafe.

* go on a free day: Usually the first Saturday of each month, but check their site for specials.

* parking: sigh. I don’t think you can skimp on this unless you live in that area or park and ride the public buses. I suggest you shell out the dough and park at the museum parking lot.

If you plan a little, it’s easily under $10 for a day of cultural enrichment for your entire family!