Interviewing Your Best

Lessons learned while interviewing for a position

I’ve interviewed at Google and Amazon, and although less than 2% of the people who try for dev positions at these companies make it to these final rounds, it still hurts not getting into the 0.2% of the interviewees that land the coveted role.

Yet, following the wisdom that each failure is an opportunity to learn and improve, I’m sharing my experience and some of the lessons I’ve learned.

You’re not looking for just a job, you’re looking for a culture.

Surround yourself with an opportunity that will harness your abilities and foster growth. Look for managers who encourage growth and invest in their employees education and well-being.

Sir Richard Branson provides some of the best advice out there for company owners and employees:

“Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t want to. If You Look After Your Staff, They’ll Look After Your Customers. It’s That Simple.”

If people in the company look burned out, and they pride themselves on working 55 hours a week without rest, and the company requires salaried employees to punch in and out for breaks. Run away!

If the company follows an annual cycle of huge layoffs at the end of the year, that’s not a healthy culture.

The lesson here is to do your homework. I’ve interviewed at companies that do these things. In one case I had to stop the interview to tell the directors in the room that their business model was unhealthy and unsustainable.

Look for a company that invests in their employees as teams and as individuals.

For example, one that provides a stipend for buying course materials or encourages time off to take classes. Look for happy, enthusiastic workers. If you can interview a few employees, ask them what they’re working on and see their reaction. If it’s a sudden smile and sparkle in their eye, you know the company has some good shoulders to brush up against.

Tip: Do this at non-work holiday parties and weed out the companies where your friends roll their eyes.

If the company claims to be agile, ask them to describe the end their sprints. You want to hear words like “celebrate” and “learn” and “show off” or even “demo”. Watch out if they don’t define their “retrospective”, or if they define it in the typical ask-three-questions and move on kind-of way. That usually indicates that their “retrospective” is either flat and unfruitful – a sign that there isn’t growth – or that it’s a political finger pointing exercise.

Get business cards of everyone you meet.

If you can’t get their card, write down their names as soon as you get the chance.

This is important for two reasons:

  1. You want to address them each by name when you send them a Thank You card. More on this later.
  2. You’ll know who to connect with in the future. These are generally nice people who take an hour out of their day to help you get a job. Even if you don’t connect through LinkedIn, keep a journal of the people you contacted (receptionist included) and stay in touch with them. When needs change, you’ll be on their radar.

Don’t schedule interviews back-to-back.

This was one of the biggest mistakes of my career. Not because of lost opportunity, though that did happen, but because it was utterly disrespectful. Even a slew of apologies couldn’t mend the bad first impression that occurred when I missed an interview because a different interview scheduled before it was running late.

Now if I schedule multiple interviews on the same day, I set one in the morning and one in the late afternoon, leaving at least 3 hours between them. Otherwise, I try to keep to only one company interview a day. Some places, like Google, Amazon and Facebook take four to six hours with a series of interviews. Others, like Oracle, Cherwell or SolarWinds take about three hours with multiple segments.

Be prepared to show what you know and confess what you don’t.

Always anticipate a technical interview test. Know the difference between an Interface, an Abstract, a Protocol, and an Extension. Know a few gotcha’s about some programming languages, like how Microsoft dutifully made all their C# Math.Round functions default to Banker’s rounding. Don’t try to BS your way, and be selective of how you show off what you know.

I once suggested a certain way that C# handles immutable strings under the hood based on some random blog post I read somewhere. The blog was wrong and I looked like an idiot in front of a Microsoft engineer, who worked with the very team that developed that engine “under the hood”.

Now, unless I have first-had experience with something, I am more careful with how I introduce that bit of knowledge. Knowing your sources also helps exonerate you if your information was wrong.

If you don’t know it, admit that you have much to learn. We all do. If they insist you try, then give it your best and explain why you chose that answer.  Then after you provide your answer, ask them for the correct one.

I’ve only had one manager get stodgy and say he would never reveal answers to his interview tests … only to be immediately usurped by his best engineer with an explanation.

Be prepared to learn; you will make mistakes in the interviews.

After each interview, reflect on how it truly went. What could you do to improve and do better in the next interview? What went well in this one? Was it to know a certain tidbit of knowledge better? Was it an answer you didn’t know to one of their questions? Was it a breath mint that you forgot in the car? Did you stammer? Did you do something awkward and embarrassing?

I once tried to hold back a gaseous expulsion that released itself into the wild in such a disgusting manor that the interviewer had to call our meeting short after the first five minutes!

What can you learn? In that last case it was to not eat a delicious, spicy tex-mex burrito the day before the interview! Other answers are more subtle. Scour the web for articles on “senior engineer [coding language] interview questions and answers“.

Try an online experience-based tutorial like Interview Cake or These paid platforms aren’t cheap, but they give you insight into your abilities and what needs to be improved. Coupled with “Cracking the Coding Interview”, they can get you pretty far in the interview.

LeetCode compares the performance of your code with other submissions. Mine usually came around 85 to 95% of the most performant, and more than once I got the highest performance rating… however, simplicity and legibility sometimes suffered. It gauges various properties of your code, which is very beneficial. It even breaks questions down by the company that asks them.

Interview Cake is a bit more fun and better guided, but not as focused. If I wanted to interview for Amazon, the questions and approaches they care about are different than Facebook’s. ‘Cake provides good guides, but doesn’t suggest what company would be interested in the question you’re solving.

Always consider your audience and know your role with them. That was a difficult lesson I had to learn during an interview.

Re-ask the interview questions and re-do the interview tests at home.

Try hard to remember the interview test questions and write them down after the interview so you can revisit them later. You can also go to or and sometimes come across your question if you don’t remember it exactly but remember the gist of it.

The questions you were asked were chosen for several reasons. They represent a difficulty they have and gives them insight to your ability to understand and solve through that difficulty.

I’ve been asked questions in interviews and later came in to find their code is nothing like what the question presented. These are usually large non-technology corporations like insurance companies or investment firms for which I think the questions are set to be broad and generic because people shift around between departments quite a bit.

For example, you might be given a question about SQL joins (how do you create a full outer exclusive set) that you would never see or do in your career there, but knowing it demonstrates a higher level of understanding than most SQL developers out there. They’re just testing overall skill level, not problem-solving expertise or creativity.

I’ve found that following up with the interviewers with the answers you worked out at home doesn’t impress them. I though for sure that this initiative would make interviewers say to themselves something like “Hmm.. This guy doesn’t stop until he has a good answer, and he likes to work out terse problems even after it wouldn’t seem to benefit him … let’s bring him on board.”

The closest thing I ever got was a response like “Your code seemed too complex with all those fringe cases. We didn’t ask for all that.”

Contrary to what many interviewers believe, it’s a bad idea to cut ties with a non-hire as soon as the interview is done. It makes for a better society of developers and potential future employees to keep in touch. Responding thoughtfully to interviewees can be very helpful. In this example, after thinking deeper into what the prospect meant, I realized that without constraints on my requirements, I really did overthink the problem and create a bigger solution to match. That was a good lesson.

Because of that response by the interviewing HR scout, I know to ask my clients – “What are the constraints here? Time allowed to code? A Deadline? Functionality on grid ‘A’ and not Grid ‘B’? Interoperability or Extensibility through an API? Performance? etc.” That experience made me a smarter coder and more sensitive businessman.

Write thank-you letters and make them personal.

Thank you cards are vital because they show respect to the interviewer for the time they spent, and they help give you one last word as to why you are a good candidate for the position (or if you don’t want that job, it at least spreads kindness).

You want to have one sentence that specifies the time you had with each unique interviewer. Make them show appreciation and gratitude: “I appreciate the care you took in setting up the tests.” and “It was fun chatting about German shepherds! Thank you for making me feel at ease with something we have in common.”

There have been a few times that I felt terrible after an interview, but I still sent cards.

At Amazon I had an interviewer say flat out “I hate these. They’re such a waste of time.” That completely shocked me because it went against everything I understood about leadership. Amazon is all about leadership. A good leader looks forward to finding other good people to bring in their fold, even if they meet a couple of black sheep along the way.

I can’t remember the exact words I wrote on his card, but it went something like this:

Dear xxxxx,

It was a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for being so candid and honest during our interview. The time you spent with me was appreciated.

Maybe that card made him hate interviews just a little less.

Days after the interview, reflect again on how you could have improved.

Write notes. Put them in a blog. Podcast them. Get them out there to help others, and doing so helps you to remember the lessons and find some final nuggets you missed the first time. Anything prize-worthy requires many little details that make it stand out. These details come by spending more time with the customers and with the problem you’re trying to solve. Failures should always lead to learning better ways to solve the problem next time. That “ways” is plural. One mistake (other than a bad burrito) won’t cost you the entire job. Maybe along with your sloppy coding it was also a slouched posture… really dig deep – it’s called “reflection” because you have to give the water time to be still before you can see yourself.

Don’t beat yourself up.

This last bit is a post to my past and future self, but it could benefit others.

You didn’t get the position. Maybe it wasn’t a good fit. Maybe you’re skills aren’t up to par. Maybe you didn’t show the level of enthusiasm they’re looking for.

Don’t reach for that bottle of proverbial hemlock! It’s just a matter of time before you will get that position because you will learn and get better skills. You will find that perfect fit and you will be crazy-jolly when that time comes!

Why? Because if you’re reading posts like this you are also surrounding yourself with audio books, podcasts, blogs and people who have achieved the success you’re looking for. Keep it up. You’ll get there.

While you’re at it, reevaluate your life goals. What is it that really makes you happy? Is it globe trotting? Is it settling in a house with a spouse and kids? Is it creating something that changes lives? There’s a good chance you don’t need that job to achieve the deep happiness you long for.

Look for people who are open and available to coach and mentor you. Even in your current job, seek out these people and keep close to them. They are the most valuable assets to your life. When I feel incapable, mine points out what I’ve accomplished and that my intrinsic worth goes far beyond the work place. (Hi, Jeremy!) The best ones are here for you in these situations and are quick to reprimand you for being bad to yourself.

Sometimes it’s not you. It’s them.

I had one crazy interview where the interviewer asked how I used Typescript. I honestly answered that I only used it to transpile code down to ES3 for an old browser requirement. They were mortified because I didn’t use it the way they use it – to enforce strongly typed members and create (the illusion of) inheritance and immutability (they’re coding to ES5). When I asked what they were looking for, their answer was “we’re looking for someone who can solve problems creatively.”

I waited silently to see if they caught themselves in their own irony. I had just proposed a creative way to solve a problem and they balked at it, and now they’re saying that the very creativity I used is what they sought. I’ll leave you to consider why a certain big-name data provider is getting blind-sighted in the market.

Learn and practice whatever you were short on.

Back to the drawing board. What do you sense was lacking in that interview? Was it technical skills? Take an online course. Was it some factoid? Find some practice quiz online or a friend to drill you. How was your personality? Take a professional character assessment like the Myers-Briggs or DISC then reflect on how you can be more aware and presentable next time. I also suggest practicing your craft. If it’s sales, join Toastmasters. If it’s development, buy “Cracking the Coding Interview” (a book highly recommended by a friend and google employee).

When you’ve learned a new skill, passed an online exam, or assessed your natural fit. Now it’s time to do specific preparations for your next interview. After enough interviews, reviews, re-examination, failures and lessons learned you’ll conquer an interview with confidence and enjoy it.

Know the Role You Serve

The interviewer vaguely described the typical messaging network: Messages are sent. Some server exists. Some apps exist . Message somehow get to users. “What does that look like?” He asked.

I asked “what do you want me to design?” then asked questions about the overall system, then started approaching the entire system. I talked about how more dire systems, like ambulance dispatches, would need to have priority while less critical systems could have messages dropped completely. Then started drawing on the whiteboard…

Partway through, he stopped me. “But what does the system look like?” I was confused. Why would he ask that unless I was off the mark. I thought I heard him say something like “If you’re a news provider and sending out a message, what goes on?”

So I thought he wanted to focus on just the responsibilities of the news provider. I started sketching how the app would work… Again he stopped me.

I asked a third time, “What is it you want me to design?” but then I added. “Am I you? Am I your company taking in the requests to send out messages or am I this news company? Am I your company trying to make a relationship with the news company? What is my role here?”

“You’re my company. What does it take for my company to deliver messages to any of my company’s devices?”

The correct course of action to any problem begins with knowing the roles of everyone involved – especially your own. Share on X

The light came on. I was listening, but I wasn’t listening to the right clues. The context was mixed up in my head. I didn’t know who I was supposed to be.

But what I didn’t know for half the interview – what kept me from addressing what my customer, the interviewer, really wanted to know was that I didn’t know myself; I didn’t know my role in the whole matter.

It was his job to make the question as vague and ambiguous and confusing as possible, and it was my job to ask the right questions to get down to the customer need. I asked many questions, but not the right ones. I heard his reply, but wasn’t listening correctly.

The first question should simply be – who are you in this system and who am I in this system? Without knowing the context of our identity, the work is either wasteful or irrelevant.

How often does this happen in our personal relationships? Someone comes to us: “My problem is yadda yadda.” What is our role here? Are we supposed to be a shoulder to cry on? A heart to just listen? An expert to offer advice? A person who takes charge to resolve the issue? So many different roles… but only one is the best role for the situation. Figure out your role first, then you’ll know how to tackle the situation.

This article is from the “Raw Talk on Failure” series.

Photo by Daniil Silantev on Unsplash