Introspective Sprint Timeline

Be Positive

Years ago, I was presented with a question that grew into an idea. What kind of data can we mine from project management software to predict how well a current project will perform?

Though there are many factors that play in project management, the most impact comes from the enthusiasm (or lack thereof) of the people doing the work. Emotion plays such a large part of a team’s success that I was able to create a predictive algorithm around the emotional state of the words used in defining the backlog items and tasks. I was working on Sentiment Analysis before it was a term.

It’s What You Say About What You Do

What we discovered was that words like “Refactor” and “Fix” tended to elicit negative emotions while “Build” and “Create” tended to be more positive. When work was tagged as a “bug” or a “bug fix”, I’ve seen spit fly and fingers flail. It’s no wonder anytime an issue arose, our clients suddenly tensed up. And certain words can be unique to an industry or even to an office culture.

For example, “BHAG” (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) was thrown around in our office as a positive thing, though I doubt many other offices in our industry would view it the same, as it often means an unending quicksand-like project that can easily stagnate a career.

Be the attitude you want to be around – Tim DeTellis

So how do we fight all this and find our team zen? First, we need to be sensitive to the words being used. For example, WordPress’ mantra is “Code is Poetry”. That makes you feel creative, and a “bug fix” is really an “edit” … or better yet, an “improvement”. Consider how these work item titles make you feel.

  1. Fix login page to let users view their password.
  2. Edit login page so users can view their password.
  3. Improve login page so users may view their password.

Fix implies broken. Fix means something is wrong. Edit is better, as it implies something needs to change, and improve IMHO is the best. We always strive to improve things. By doing your work on a task with “Improve” in the title, you made something better! By doing the same work on a task with “Fix” in the title, you just made something par! Fixing means taking something bad and making it neutral. Nothing special with a fix, but you can put “improve” on a resumé!

Furthermore, you hardly hear of a “quick improvement” as being a hack, but “quick fix” is synonymous with spaghetti, duck tape and temporary. But when you suggest “improve”, you get something more like this:

“I fixed it” vs. “I improved it” … both “fix” the same issue, but only one is the $1,000,000 idea.

Begin With The End In Mind

Considering the end-game as a work of art changes the perception – especially when compared to an industry standard of slapping “lipstick on the pig to release it” (as I once heard a manager order his team to do). If you can’t have pride in your work, you’re going to treat it like the crap it will become. Chris Reynolds has a fun piece on this overall idea. Code has a smell and a feel to it.

Usually the term “Begin with the End in mind” is applied to projects and start-ups, but it should be applied to teams as well. What do we want this team to be in 3 months? Burnt out? Probably not. Energetic? Maybe. Well-greased, but siloed? That’s a no. Upbeat, creative and able to jump into each others’ work? For the win!

Start leading your team (even if you’re just a team player right now) towards that goal by being there yourself … every day … until the team meets you there.

What You Measure Becomes Your Goal

When I work at companies that focus on Earned Value, guess what? Numbers are great each quarter because attrition rate is high. When I work at companies that focus on Customers, guess what? Customer feedback is high (though there’s much fakery in the office). But when I work at companies that focus on People, then employees are happy, customers are happy and the numbers are healthy.

To aim for a company of happy people, you have to start with yourself. But how do we measure happiness? Two ways: 1. Introspection and 2. Retrospection.

Outside Looking In

Both Introspection and Retrospection are similar in that they require you to look hard at yourself, your achievements, your pitfalls, and your abilities. Retrospectives happen after an event takes place. Introspectives happen before an event takes place. When you doodle on your notepad while the manager is lecturing your team, that’s introspection. You’re building thoughts, ideas and feelings on paper to initiate a mental tie with whatever you just heard.

But we have a bias based on our immediate circumstance and emotion. If you’re given a crap-load of junk work to do, suddenly everything leading up to that moment looks grim and unrewarding. If you’re given praise and accolades, then suddenly everything leading up to that moment looks positive and worthwhile. Even if it was the exact same work that led up to these two different results.

So I wanted to track my immediate feelings and respond to them. If I tend to feel negative when attending certain meetings, a track record would show it and I could do something about that – I can put a spin on those meetings if I can’t bail out. At the very least, I’ll know in advance what situations that I dislike diving into so that I can prepare accordingly. At the very best, I can improve the situation for myself and everyone else as well. Chances are, if you feel that meeting with Mr. X is like a visit to the proctologist, others do as well.

Tracking Happiness

I began with the sheet I use to track my own work. What am I accomplishing right now? How does it make me feel? What just happened in the office that makes me cringe? Who walked through the door that brought a smile to my face?

Record what work you are doing, the events that take place, and overall vibe for each day.

Originally, I was recording each hour. That became cumbersome. Then I figured the same outcome could be achieved if I just kept the overall vibe of the day. I would put a number in the thumbs-up and one in the thumbs-down (with tally marks as they happened). No need to cross reference things, yet. Wednesdays are highlighted because the company used that day to measure milestones. Also, note that Fridays began the sprint cycle instead of Mondays. This was so that code could be released at the end of the sprint and give us a day to work out issues on the release before the weekend began. Fewer calls on the weekend meant happier company.

Currently, I have this in a Word document. You can download the macro version, which automatically updates the header and dates for sprints starting on Fridays, here. If you want a blank PDF version without the macro, I’ve got that too.

As an alternative, you might like the Mood Tracker Planner by Sourcebooks, or you could find some printable ones from online by searching “mood tracker planner printable“.

Other Paths To Happiness

Tony Robbins has an easy solution to fixing the overall happiness problem:

I do three things for 3 1/3 minutes each: I focus on three moments in my life that I’m grateful for, because gratitude is the antidote to the things that mess us up. You can’t be angry and grateful simultaneously. You can’t be fearful and grateful simultaneously. So, gratitude is the solution to both anger and fear, and instead of just acting grateful, I think of specific situations that I’m grateful for, little ones and big ones. I do it every single day, and I step into those moments and I feel the gratitude and the aliveness.

Tony Robbins

Other guides to happiness lead to “helping others”, as doing so means you’re not as fixated on yourself and your problems and the action in itself usually provides perspective that diminishes your personal issues. So does “thinking good of each person in the room” and “forcing yourself to smile” … there are so many different ways to improve your nature. In short, you have to experiment and try things out. Books like The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin and Happiness by Zelig Pliskin provide ideas on different ways to do so.

Success as a Paradox

In an interview, I asked the question: “When is solving a problem worse than the problem itself?”

There are many good answers to this question, and I’ll present two here:

I broke it by trying to fix it

As a young teen, I often trekked the woods near my house.

One day I came across a hatching chrysalis. It seemed obvious to me that the butterfly inside was struggling for its life. I pulled out my pocket knife and carefully enlarged the split, helping it progress.

It eventually came out and its wings spread but it never flew. It needed that life-and-death struggle to build the strength to fly; My success in helping it out of its cocoon created a long-term failure in denying that struggle.

From what I’ve read, other people have tried this with varying results. Sometimes the emerging butterfly is fine. Sometimes it can’t even unfurl its wings, and dies shortly after. Sometimes it’s sick and will die regardless – there is nothing to be done.

The lesson in this is that sometimes the “solution” causes a problem – it’s the wrong prognosis for the diagnosis. In most cases, I’ve found that time either reveals the correct solution, or is the solution itself.

Time either presents the correct solution, or is the solution itself. Watchful waiting while the smoke clears keeps you from causing more damage and clears your head to recognize the real from the imagined. Share on X

(Not really) booked until Thursday

I asked a doctor-friend why people are made to wait. It seemed cruel to me.

He said that many times, people react to the shock or the perceived immediacy of the ailment or accident. By giving people some time to digest what’s going on, they give a more accurate description of the problem and help him with the diagnosis and the course of medicine. Many times, he added, the problem fixes itself. It’s not as serious as they thought or our natural ability to heal takes over and they’re well by the time they have the appointment.

In both of these stories, watchful waiting can be the successful course of action while acting with urgency causes or adds to the problem.

It’s very hard to wait when the world feels like it’s crashing down. Ignoring (what seems like) impending failure isn’t an option. Especially when emotions are high – wait on it. Don’t send that email. Don’t make that phone call. Just wait it out. The very perception of failure causes irrational responses.

Sometimes actively trying to solve the problem is the problem. I’ve discovered that this is consistent among a variety of people: the stronger the emotional motivation, the more true this is.

This article is from the “Raw Talk on Failure” series.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Procrastination: The unchosen option

I learned a new Hebrew word today, “לְהִתְמַהֲמֵהַ“, which roughly means “procrastination”. It’s pronounced “léhitmahméah“.

Its root context appears in two stories in scripture that mirror each other. One is near the end of Genesis and the other is near the end of Exodus. If Genesis, Judah confronts his father, Jacob, in regards to procrastinating the decision to bring Benjamin to Egypt and in Exodus the word appears as the people are leaving Egypt (430 years later) in such a hurry they couldn’t wait (procrastinate) for the bread to rise.

In the first story, they regret procrastinating the inevitable while in the second story they wanted to procrastinate, but inevitably could not.

This lesson of procrastination and inevitability is an interesting one to take in, as the predestination turns out to be unavoidable and the consequence of each of our actions (or lack of action) doesn’t change that.

In modern lyrical context: “if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”

(Image from jeshoots@unsplash)